Frequently Asked Question
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Water exits the nozzles with low pressure; how can I resolve the problem?
The cause is to be found in one of the following reasons:
- There are leaks in the water line (hose).
- Solution: check the integrity of the water line.
- The trajectory of the water line is too long and the pump is not able to feed it.
- Solution: reduce the trajectory of the water line.
Also, always remember:
- Max. water line length is 12 meters
- Do not install more than 4 nozzles.
- Always install original accessories and spare parts.
- Do not use a hose having an internal diameter > 10mm.
Your dog will not stop barking?
Click to find out BAUSTOP! The most
effective, quick and painless way to
your dog.
BAUSTOP is a revolutionary anti-bark
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Applicable to small open spaces and
small gardens.
BAUSTOP is quick to install and easy
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than 10 minutes, will be operational.